Quiet Revolutions

by Mrs. Smith on January 5, 2018

Wow, I love the message in this article —

but if you click on the link at the end of my pontificating, you have to PROMISE me that you aren’t going to let old politics get in the way. The election that must not be named is over. It really is.

This article was written in the wake of last year’s inauguration. Don’t go there.



Don’t revisit your dismay, disgust, or despair. Don’t revisit your triumph either, if you were on the side seduced by the wild card or terrified by the “devil incarnate” running against him. It may be intoxicating but it’s still part of that same nasty trap.


I literally had an acquaintance tell me in all seriousness that she would vote for Satan rather than Hillary. I was like…. uhhhhhh… That is giving her WAY too much credit. Wow. But I’m not going there! Nope!

Oops! Broke my own rule there, sorry.

Let me remind myself that I held a funeral for that  election train wreck clear back in February last year. Sorry if you missed it. We are allllllll moving on.


Still I’m sharing this fabulous exposition, even if it kicks up some dust. It’s so worth the read.


Because she’s on to something.
Because if you can hold still and slip through the Devil’s Snare of the “historical” context prompting her thoughts, there’s something valuable underneath it.

Her message is both timeless and timely for those of us inclined to take up arms about things we feel passionate about.

I think the big, national, broadly-sweeping social outcries are made more powerful when we have quiet revolutions of our own, too. When we allow time and space and resources for self care. When a girlfriend says, “Wow, you look great,” and instead of thinking of a thousand negations, we say thank you.When we sit down to rest after the work is done. Like, really rest. When we mess up and forgive ourselves or say I’m sorry. When we look in the mirror, dressed in our Period Pants, sans make up avec greasy hair and whisper, you are beautiful and I love you.

Thank you, Taylor, for this beautiful exposition. I loved it.


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