
by Mrs. Smith on March 26, 2021

Scored a pair of these moccasins at a thriftstore today, still new with tags, exactly my size. Sweet.
Dakota Moccasin | Women
Got home.
Put them on.
Happy feet, this is nice, I really like them…
the youngest child dragged me outside while I was making dinner… “Mommy, come see what I did!”
It was totally worth over-cooking that macaroni, let me tell you. What a wonderful thing that she needed to show me the fallen tree she was snapping twigs and branches off.
I followed that speedy little seven year old off the deck, onto the little path winding around the garden, and I found myself stunned.
Walking on the ground – dirt, twigs, stones, roots, pinecones, moss (oh, the moss!)…. You could feel the textures through the leather. You could feel the ground – like really FEEL it. I wasn’t just walking around outside — I was part of it. 
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I haven’t ever had a more spiritual experience. I’ve had some that match it, but never any that surpass just walking through the trees wearing moccasins.
I am never wearing any other shoes, evvvvverrrrrrrrrrrr.
Okay, I guess I probably will. Fine print on the website says concrete will wear them out faster, and I want them to live a long time. So I’ll wear my dead plastic city shoes walking on dead boring concrete. 😉 But dang. I had no idea what I’ve been missing out on all this time.
Big thank you to for making amazing shoes, and big thank to you someone for donating them where I could find them today. 
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