
by Mrs. Smith on February 18, 2022

I’ve had this question ever since I looked up newborn pictures of our first 6 kiddos.

How is it possible that Baby #7 looks like the exact duplicate of…
all of them?

Yes. All of them.

No matter which kid is asked, when they ask me if he looks like them, I can answer with an honest, yes, you looked exactly like this when you were his size.

I don’t get it. Baby 1 and Baby 2 were way different. Baby 3 and Baby 4… They had their own looks, though 1 & 3 and 2 & 4 were a lot alike. 5 looked so much like 3 I can’t tell their baby pictures apart.

6 broke the mold with her own baby-look…


God is in the details, and I really feel like He has our backs on this one.

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