Five Things for Friday: Lessons from a Tsunami Warning

by Mrs. Smith on November 1, 2012


It’s 8:30pm on a Saturday night.

The kids are tucked up all snug in their beds.  Like this, possibly including the books and the towel, but not on the couch:

I’m zonked, too, having been pregnant all day and having laid down for a “nap” at 4pm.  John is thinking, “I guess she’s really going to sleep all night,” though he isn’t surprised at all by the thought.

And then the siren goes off.

It sounds like one of those old-time air-raid sirens.  Winds up to the high-pitched wail where it sits for a few minutes (though it seems like more) and then winds down.

Boy, nothing wakes you up like that tsunami siren going off, let me tell you! I’ve heard it at noon on the first weekday of every month for the last year+, but this was the first time it’s actually gone off for reals since we moved here.


What an adrenaline rush. Whew. There is none of the sleepy-eyed waking up feeling. DING! Good morning! Time to get to work!

These are some things I’ve learned.

1. In the event of a bigger wave coming, authorities may shut the water off. I think it’s done in order to conserve the water in the water towers or something.  Filling bathtubs or water bottles is all well and good (and I was until I heard the announcement that they were asking people to quit it.  Bathtubs hold a TON of water!  What a great idea!)…

… But it may not be an option in a major crisis.  Having water already stored is an even better idea.

When the crisis has come, the time for preparation is past.

2. Speaking of bathtubs, two of our three were super grungy. I now have a more compelling reason to keep our tubs clean. Or maybe just buy one of these for $20 on Amazon, which I didn’t know existed until I searched for “water storage comic” on google.  No comic, sadly, but this is pretty cool:

What I want for Christmas.  Alas, it doesn’t come with the beautifully tiled, clean bathtub.

Sure, it doesn’t bother me when the littles regularly drink their bath water -well, it bugs me, yes, it does quite a bit- but If *I* may need to drink out of it too, I want it sparkling.  None of this blue soap-scum tint to the water as it fills up.  Water should not be grey or blue or any other color if you’re going to have to drink it.

(not my actual bathtub but it kinda could be)

I contemplated scrubbing them while we were making other preparations until my hubby wisely said,

“When the crisis has come, the time for scrubbing bathtubs is past.”

He was right.  And I’m getting a WaterBob so I can sleep better at night.  Maybe even before Christmas.

3. I bet the members of the Married Student Stake were grateful for the Emergency Preparedness activities held just a week ago. A week!  What kind of awesome timing is that?!  They had a Tsumani Evacuation Run, a 72-hr-kit Competition, a speaker, and a booth set up by a Red Cross volunteer with information about hurricane/tsunami stuff. Great timing! And those who took counsel seriously and got their homes in order were blessed tremendously with peace of mind this weekend, I’m sure.

Thank you for the giggle

4. Counting blessings.  I’m glad we moved our bookshelves upstairs a few months ago.

I stole that picture from this blogpost, which was actually a nice little post. 

 I’m especially glad we live out of the danger zone. 3 of our 5 slept right through it, blaring sirens notwithstanding, since we could “evacuate” just to our upstairs and leave them sleeping. There were those near us who left anyway and headed for higher ground, but we prayerfully chose not to be among them.

5. I feel like a mega-loser.  Yeah, our 72-hours kits could be in better shape.  I need to update clothes for C and add a few more water bottles.  Yeah, my house upstairs looks like a disaster has already struck and my downstairs strives daily to look similarly.  That’s not it, though.

No, it’s much worse than that.  Not once in all that tsunami-stuff did I think about calling the sisters I visit teach. Not once!  OH, the slackerness of me!  I cared more about potentially having to drink out of my bath tub than I did for the safety the sisters under my care, all of whom live very close to the ocean and even downhill from it!  Can you believe I’m even publicly admitting to that kind of selfishness?  I’d delete it but I really really REALLY want to be better if there is a next time.  A little public humiliation will do me good, so please feel free to bag on me in the comments below.

As it turned out,

…there wasn’t any tsunami here to speak of. At all. They were thinking 3-7 ft waves, which would have done some major flooding ’round here, but it ended up being a solitary one foot wave, I think, which would have been hardly discernibly different from the normal ones.  I think C & E (the two who were awake) were pretty disappointed. John and I are not. We’re tremendously grateful.

Combined with the hurricane on the East coast and the lesson in Sunday School the following day (which wasn’t about tsunamis, but about studying scriptures, actually), I had a powerful epiphany about signs of the times.  Too bad I’m already at my 5 things, huh.  I guess it’ll have to wait for another post.  And I need to stick to just 5 because, after all,

This is a blog hop!

My first ever, um, this year!  Thanks, Women in the Scriptures blog.


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{ 7 comments… read them below or add one }

Karlyn November 2, 2012 at 9:51 am

You are AWESOME!! I just ran into the water bob yesterday while I was looking at water storage items. It seems very neat for an emergency. I wonder how many gallons a bathtub holds. We are going to pick up a few 55 gallon blue barrels next week for longer storage. I thought you would LOVE this information I just found. You can purify water for drinking with colloidal silver!! Yeah really. It works really well. Super cool huh!?! Glad everything turned out well. Miss you guys! Thanks for reminding me to think of those I have stewardship over during these times. Um, kinda slipped my mind as well. Now hopefully it will stay in the front when it is needed.


Mrs. Smith November 2, 2012 at 1:34 pm

Yes, I did know that bit about silver, isn’t it great? I figured that by using ours we wouldn’t get sick drinking the water, only grossed out. Or at least, the rest of them wouldn’t get sick. I’m sure at this stage in pregnancy, drinking nasty bath water would most definitely make me sick. 😉


Carin November 2, 2012 at 1:15 pm

Just stopping by from the blog hop. Your family sounds great! Love your attitude and Bishop husband! My husband served as the Bishop for just about 2.5 years. We thought it was a gift. It was just a reprieve. He is serving a second time. So far we are in 15 months. I think it will be longer this time. And I could totally relate to your tsunami warning. We had a similar one last year. Sirens wailing…expectations all over the place, the EXACT same realization….didn’t call my VT’s either. We must have even had the same wave…..only three feet up the rivers, not even noticeable on the coast. I also felt gratitude for the blessing and like a loser for not checking with my people. Hopefully, Mrs. Smith, we will both do better next time 🙂


Heather @ Women in the Scriptures November 2, 2012 at 3:26 pm

Wow, that waterbob thing looks great. The thought of drinking water out of my bathtub makes me nervous too 😉 We’d have to clear out about 5 inches of toys.

I really appreciated this post, it is such a good reminder to be prepared. It is so easy to push it aside. I would LOVE to hear your epiphany! And I am so glad you linked up because it is very nice to “meet” you!


Cassandra November 2, 2012 at 4:19 pm

“When the time of crisis has come, the time for preparation is past.”

That is Wisdom right there. On multiple levels.

I’m so glad your family is safe!


Kris November 2, 2012 at 6:07 pm

We have an extra big bathtub but yeah, it’s never very clean. Guess I better get on that. I just updated our 72 hour kits last month, but I have been feeling nervous lately because we are down to the bottom of our food storage (paying off bills leaves us little for grocery money by dangit.) I think I have a new goal for 2013!

Oh, and good thing we’re landlocked, because our books are in the basement. Actually, so is our food storage. Hopefully if anything ever happens, the Lord will take into account that I *did* prepare, just all my food got crushed, and we’ll be blessed anyway. Heh.


Mrs. Smith November 2, 2012 at 7:50 pm

There’s a great little “Build-your-food-storage-month-by-month” thing someone handed me at church once, speaking of goals. In January you stock staples, and build from there until in December you’re doing the non-essentials. I really liked the pacing and wonder if I could find it again. Unlikely. Never fear, though, I’m sure it’s on pinterest somewhere, too.
A basement is a great place for food storage. If it were in the attic, it’d cook in the summer and lose all nutritional value, right? And your onions/potatoes/apples/squashes will last FOREVER in the winter. I kinda miss that.


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