What? I have a blog?

by Mrs. Smith on October 15, 2012

OH!  That’s right!  I do have a blog!

Sorry.  It’s been a while.  I’d say I intend to catch up, but I don’t really.  I’ll just throw some pictures up here and call it good.

Zannie sent him an awesome package! Another train from a different grandma! Oh, happy boy.

 Freedom was a happy boy on his birthday and he even had the decency to not complain about a lack of 3-shaped pizza.  Tragic, I know, when a family tradition doesn’t quite happen.  I just didn’t have it together that day.  Did he have a cake?  I don’t remember.  I don’t think he did.  Or a party?  Nope.  Not that either.  Our kids are on the every-4-years plan.  Evidently the cake was part of that deal, too.

No, that can’t be right.  I had a neighbor trade me a yellow cake mix for a brownie mix.  What happened?  Oh, I remember.  He loves loves loves yellow, so I was going to make him a yellow sunshine cake.  Oh yes.  It was going to be so cute.  I baked it in a bowl so it would be round, and then I had the marvelous idea of trying to make it a layered cake, so I baked it in two bowls stacked on top of each other… epic, epic fail.  No pictures, even.  Sorry.  I think it went rancid on the counter, that’s how scary looking it was.

He didn’t seem to notice or care.

Instead, we had “grilled threes sandwiches” and it was fun, especially because Daddy turned 3-3 the next day.  All kinds of three’s going on here!  Three is the best age ever for this kid.  He forgives and forgets easily, is quick to smile and laugh, and equally quick to throw a huge fit if he deems it necessary, but that’s pretty normal and doesn’t bother me like it did with Kid #1.

Also around that same time, we had a lovely visit from Gramsie and Auntie Lou.

We LOVED their time here!  Yes we did!  I don’t have fabulous pictures of it, but Auntie does, and maybe she’ll remember she has a blog, too, some time, and we’ll get to see ’em.

Uncle Mark has a lifelong obsession with squirrels, so we gave Auntie a fun squirrel game for her belated birthday.  The kids played it almost every day while she was here and even managed not to loose any pieces for her.  I think.

I do have other children, I promise.  And they are cute, too.  They just haven’t had birthdays lately, I guess.  😉  They’ll get their turn here eventually.  Let’s see if I can dig one up here:


And that was a month ago already.  Hardly seems possible.

In the mean time I’ve been learning how to footzone (which is a lot of work, actually, but totally worth it),
helping with an amazing children’s choir that Creativity joined,
and doing same-old-same-old at home…

…While being morning sick and doing this as much as possible:

Mess? What mess?

 I love pictures taken by that cute three year old.  They are so telling.  I’m wearing my slippers (aka flip flops) in the house so that the sticky floor doesn’t drive me insane.  I’m wearing a skirt because pants are uncomfortable.  There’s a ball nearby because the easiest way to entertain the 18mo is to play fetch.  I look like I’m half-dead because I feel that way, but I’m trying to smile anyway.  The house is cluttered because my to do list looks like this:
1. Get up.
2. Eat so I don’t feel super-ill.
3. Attempt to take care of children, preferably while somehow managing to stay crashed on that couch there.
4. Eat more.

You will note the lack of housework on that list.  At least, you would if you came over.  Which you may not want to do for the next 3 months or so.  It’s kinda scary ’round here.  You might stick to the floor and never leave.

Ah, good times.  Wish me luck.  I hate morning sickness.  It’s physically exhausting, mentally draining, and emotionally taxing — but it doesn’t last forever and the end result is great!

That which we obtain too cheap
we esteem to lightly. — Thomas Paine

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{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }

Granny Lee October 15, 2012 at 3:53 am

What?! You’re pregnant? How exciting! When are you due?? Curious grandmas want to know these things! Too bad you don’t have Kangen water to drink! “They say” that it eliminates (or at least greatly reduces) morning sickness!


Cassandra October 15, 2012 at 5:18 am

Morning sickness? Like another baby?? WHEEEEE!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When are you due?


mama boss October 15, 2012 at 7:20 am

YIPPEEEEE!!!! (I’ve been waiting for this, ever since you posted that picture that Doodle drew, with the extra person…) Babies are the BEST!!! 🙂


Kris October 15, 2012 at 7:59 am

Doesn’t last forever my eyeball. I SEE THROUGH YOUR LIES.

Oh wait I’m the only lucky one who got to have all-day sickness for 7 months straight. fine. Hey, I had an excuse not to clean for SEVEN MONTHS. Take that!


mareena October 15, 2012 at 5:37 pm

yay, congrats! perhaps creativity will get her pink frosting with this one. 😉


Alene October 15, 2012 at 6:24 pm

Congrats. hope it goes well for you. When i was preggers in Hawaii, my toes were like big fat sausages. But I loved that while I was swimming in the ocean I could stay cool, pee whenever I wanted, and take all the pressure off of all the unpleasant places. I just had to watch out that i did not beach myself on a coral reef while snorkeiling. . . .Sorry we can’t be closer to help out. Miss you guys!!


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