It had been a long, long week of going past that due date. I smile now when I remember the Wednesday night, rock-bottom tiredness that led me to scream, “I can NOT absolutely can NOT do this one. more. day.”
Well, okay. I didn’t really scream it. At least, audibly. Inside my head, though, I was quite adamant. It was non-negotiable. I was absolutely certain that one more day of pregnancy would do me in.
And why do I smile remembering that kind of feeling? Because now I know that it really was the last day. I wish I could go back in time and give me a hug.
Oh, and that reminds me of a little “ah-ha!” moment Heavenly Father blessed me with a few weeks before this. Do you mind the detour? The likelihood is that I won’t get back to the subject at hand. Hm. Maybe I’ll just save this post and create a new one for to record said epiphany.

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