
The Ultimate Stain Remover

by Mrs. Smith on August 14, 2012

Five children later, I have discovered the answer to every smoothie-down-the-shirt problem, every grass-ground-int0-the-knees issue, and every marker-all-over incident.

The fire hose.

p picture stolen from

That’s right, Mommy. Get out there and blast that gunk outta there! The bigger the hose, the more clothes it can handle.

And the kids at ward camp thought it was all just for fun! Ha!

Okay, so we don’t always have access to a fire hose – BUT… there is that nice focused-spray nozzle on our garden hose.  It works pretty well when you have fresh stains on clothes you don’t want ruined.  Far more effective than ye old kitchen faucet.  I highly recommend it!

I wish I’d thought of it 8 years ago!


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