Every once in a while…

by Mrs. Smith on October 16, 2013

Every once in a while I just need to get a good rant in.  (It’s going to be long and rant-y.  You’ve been warned.)  Yes, even mommies blessed to be provided for without having to earn a $ income, even those mommies have thoughts that need airing.  Opinions.  Strong ones.  On even more important topics than the director of the new Star Wars or what favors to make for themed birthday parties. 

For instance…

I happen to be one of the few people who is actually super duper excited (but not in a happy way) about the “shut down” of government services related to the passing (or rather, not passing!) of the Federal budget. Excited?  How could I possibly be?

Ah, yes, that is because – and ONLY because – it’s waking people up.  My newsfeed on fb is full of people unhappy with the government, and I say that’s a great thing.  Granted, most of them are only upset because the status quo is being shaken.  What?  We can’t just go on pretending everything is fine?  People are being impacted?  Quick!  Fix it so we can go back to ignoring it!

My heart is honestly reaching out to all effected by this standoff, but I am still on some level grateful for it if it helps to teach all of us a few important lessons.  Like…

What!?! Our Federal government has how much power? How many employees? How many services? How much debt? Wait. HOW MUCH DEBT????! Maybe this is not a good thing. Hm, maaaaaaybe there’s a problem here. Is it a design flaw or… perhaps, could it be that MAYBE THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SHOULDN’T BE SO HUGE?!

Huh.  Small Federal government, yet a strong country?

There’s an idea.

A colossal idea. An epic idea. An idea worthy of a revolution and a totally new form of government, which gives most of the power to the people to let them run their own lives, do their own thing, find security within the framework of their respective STATE, (much smaller and much easier for people to have a direct say) and yet be a united, imposing front as a country. Great big “don’t mess with us” sign on the front gate, but a heck of a lot of freedom on the inside because all the federal government does is run the country’s militia, provide a streamlined currency, and handle the inevitable bickering between the states.

No income tax. No massive power on the top to tempt the corrupt. No nit-picky laws forcing the states/people to run things a certain way. Certainly no bribing them with resources to implement this, that, or the other.  And, wait!  Another great idea! Folks serving in those Federal positions could have both average-citizen-elected positions (House) and state-government-elected officials (Senate), so the rights of the individuals AND the rights of the states are protected… 

WOW! That would be AMAZING! I could totally back a government like that. It would absolutely change the world — Why? Because of the power of each individual citizen and the preservation of their God-given freedom. I have complete faith and stand in awe of the accomplishments of morality + intelligence + freedom. Absolute awe. Man, a government designed to facilitate all of the above would create an environment like none other. The inventions!  The light and intelligence!  Good heavens.  People should really look into it. Maybe we could start a revolution…

OH WAIT. They already did that. Already shed lots of blood over those issues, and it did in fact completely change the world… Yeah. Maybe we should all get educated about what the rules are AND THEN INSIST OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS PLAY BY THOSE RULES. 
Yes, I’m one of those wacko-s that doesn’t like being pinned to one party or another.  What if — hang on here for a second — What if a person wanted their local government to be really involved with programs offering all sorts of services to its (smallish) populace? Democrat, right?  But what if that same person wanted the Federal gov’t to NOT be involved with offering endless programs and services?  Republican? Constitution Party?  

But any way.  I think both main parties are completely corrupted at the Federal level, regardless of their policies or platforms.  Actions speak louder than words.  (Patriot Act?  WHAT?)  (Raise the debt ceiling? WHAT?)


I’m one of those wackos who really thinks state-legislative-elected Senators was a great idea and wish they hadn’t changed it a few generations ago.

And The Federal Reserve is evil.  Why did Congress think it was okay to pass off their #1 job to people outside the control of the voters?  Why???

And Federal Income Tax is completely illegal.  We pay it, oh yes, we do, but it’s illegal.

And people, businesses, and governments should NOT spend any more money than they earn.  I’m a real revolutionary, I tell you.

Every once in a while my soapboxes get to screaming “STAND ON ME” and I have to shout a little into cyberspace:


If it were a person, it would be in critical condition.  My brain implodes trying to think of solutions to all the messes we’ve created, but the bottom line is that the ONLY medicine that will cure us as a nation is repentance, pure and simple.  Changing who is in charge of the White House or Congress is going to do very little.  Clearly the last several decades haven’t sent us on a positive spiral, regardless of who was in charge.

Individuals.  Families.  Neighborhoods.  Cities.  Government officials.  Military forces.  Adults of all ages.  We ALL need a great big dose of “Repent” or nothing is going to get any better.

My Contribution

I’d love to run for office and save the world, but I can’t.  I’m doing something even more important.  I’m raising sane, peaceful children in an insane, out of control world.  (Well, they’re peaceful sometimes at any rate.) (I have fond hopes that when these little boys outgrow shenanigans like hanging from garage doors as they open, they will be strong, peace-building citizens.)  I am a firm believer that the hand that rocks the cradle rocks the world.  We as mothers will have a bigger say in the final outcome than is often understood.  I’m staying home to save the world.  That’s what I’m banking on, any way, and (partly) why I want to have as many children as God will let us bring here.

Every one of them is a bright, shining light that will make this world a better place.

…And they all lived happily ever after, the end.

PS:  I’m turning off comments on this one because, hm, well, because I don’t think I’ve ever done that before and I just want to this time.  It’s only a soapbox, after all, and you all know how to reach me if you want to.

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